By Thiago ChiericattiIngredientes
1 kg de atún fresco
1 taza de semillas de sésamo negro
1 cucharadita de sal
1 cucharadita de pimienta negra en polvo
1 cucharada de aceite de oliva virgen extra
Poner el sésamo en el horno calentado a 150° y dejar que se tueste durante una hora aproximadamente.
Retirar y procesar en una batidora hasta que se convierta en polvo.
1 cucharada de jengibre fresco rallado (jugo)
1 taza de salsa de soja
1 cucharada de miel
2 cucharadas de cebollino picado
1/3 de taza de vinagre de arroz
1 cucharadita de almidón
Oriental Sauce
Mix all the sauce ingredients and bring to the boil, add the starch diluted in a little soy sauce and stir until the minimizer thickens. reserve.
Cut the tuna into strips approximately 4 to 6 centimeters in height, 4 to 6 centimeters in length and 15 to 20 centimeters in length.
Place the sesame powder in a shallow dish with salt and pepper to taste.
Dip the tuna strips in this sesame mixture so that the sesame sticks to the fish on all sides.
Thread of oil in the skillet and leave a well. Seal all sides of the tuna strips so it remains raw in the center.
Cut the tuna into slices of approximately 1 cm and set aside.
Serve the tuna with the sauce on the side. This dish can be served in the morning or cold.
10 asparagus frescoes.
fine salt to taste.
black pepper to taste.
5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
Wash and dry the asparagus well.
Brush the asparagus with oil.
Barbecue grill.
Sprinkle salt and black pepper.
After 10 minutes on fire, turn the asparagus and repeat the operation of sprinkling salt and pepper.
Leave it for another 15 minutes and it's done.
Caution: Roast the asparagus on the grill, not on the fire.

Thiago Chiericatti
Hoy en día hay que preocuparse por el futuro del sector gastronómico. Siendo la sostenibilidad el punto principal para la fundación está dando un gran paso para no sólo mejorar sino cambiar la...