Culinary schools

Thai Chef School

Culinary schools

The Thai Chef School in Thailand has become part of the schools sponsored by the Cook and Chef Institute.

Thai Chef School is a new vocational training school in Bangkok, catering largely to the teaching of basic culinary skills to beginner culinary students.  In addition to learning basic culinary skills, such as cutlery, food higiene and food costing. Here a mixture of Thai, Chinese, and Japanese dishes are taught so that students can find jobs on cruise ships and in hotels.  The school works with foreign culinary schools and Hospitality institutions in teaching semester long training in Thai cooking.  Here foreign students earn college credits while learning about Thai culture and cuisine. Also, it is accredited by the Thai Ministry of Education.

Thanks to this sponsorship, Bergner helps the school to continue to grow and be noticed in the sector by providing them with a selection of brand products. On the other hand, the school uses all this equipment and cooperates in the technological and innovative development of the brand through the tests of chefs and students.