Cook & Chef Tips & Tricks

9 ways to save water and be a friend of the planet

Monday, 24 October, 2022

1. Giving value to water
Water is a precious commodity and we are privileged to have it within our reach in excellent sanitary conditions, therefore, we must value it and take care of it as much as possible.

2. Showering instead of bathing
Taking a bath is all very well, but it is better to take a shower and not waste so much water on something that is not really necessary for our hygiene.

3. Use the toilet only as much as necessary (it is not a wastebasket)
The toilet is not a wastebasket; use it responsibly.

4. Turn off the faucet while...
Brushing your teeth, shaving or soaping your hands...

5. Fully load the dishwasher
You will save water, energy and the products you use for washing!

6. Do not rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher
Leave the dishes clean when you eat! This way you won't waste food and you won't have to waste water before putting it in the machine.

7. Don't let the water run
If the water is not at the temperature you want, don't let it run, and if you do, don't waste it, use it for something else.

8. Try to buy more efficient appliances (when replacing old ones)
Do you have to buy new appliances? Do your best to buy efficient ones as you will notice it directly in your economy.

9. Water at night
If you do so, you will prevent 35% of the water you use from evaporating during the day.