Bline, smoked salmon and vodka,s chantilly

0.75 h 4 raciones


50 ml vodka
250 g fresh milk cream
2 units siphon gas
200 ml warm milk
30 g fresh yeast
110 g white wheat flour
90 g buckwheat flour
2 g salt
2 units egg
20 ml beer (nappy)
2 units eggwhite
3 slices smoked salmon
9 g cappelin eggs
5 ml truffle oil
1 g dill
Flowers and runners.
  1. Mix the vodka, place it in a siphon and add 2 little gas pump.
  1. Dissolve the fresh yeast in the warm milk and reserve.
  2. Mix the flour (both), the salt, the eggwhite and the beer in a bowl.
  3. Add the dissolved yeast and mix with a fouet.
  4. In another bowl, whip the eggwhite and add the mixture. Mix it well with a silicone spatule.
  5. Cover the mixture with plastic film and let it out of the fridge for an hour to ferment.
  6. After fermentation, store in the fridge.
  1. Pour a dash of sunflower oil in a frying pan and then pour a ladle full of blinie pasta so that it fries in both sides, ensuring it’s well cooked inside.
  2. With the help of a cutter, make three pasta rectangles. Roll the slices of smoked salmon making three pipes and, with the help of a siphon, fill it with the Chantilly vodka.
  3. On a square stone plate, place the three blinie pastas, followed by the three pipes of salmon, chantilly and the capelin eggs above.
  4. Conclude with the dill, flowers, runner and drops of truffle oil.