Cook & Chef News

Francesco D'agostino steps onto the podium and takes 2nd place in the Koch des Jahres (Chef of the Year 2022)

Tuesday, 1 November, 2022

Francesco D'agostino, chef ambassador of cook & chef, came out on top among more than 300 competitors and took second place in the "Koch des Jahres" (Cook of the Year 2022) in Bonn, Germany. A thousand professional visitors from the gastronomy, hotel and catering sectors flocked to the halls of the Kameha Grand and transformed Bonn into the gastronomic metropolis of excellence.



Three dishes, four compulsory ingredients and a 16-euro shopping basket: that was the challenge the finalists had to meet on the day of the competition. They had to convince no less than some of the best chefs and food critics in the world. Francesco's menu consisted of:

  • Starter: Friesenkrone silk matjes, pineapple, coconut milk, lemon verbena, avocado and peanuts.
  • Main course: Mieral duck, mushrooms, carrots, black olives and parsley.
  • Dessert: chestnuts, rosehip, rum, crème fraiche and sea buckthorn.



Congratulations Francesco, the Cook & Chef Institute is proud to have chefs like you