Fried cassava on a bed of rocket & caramelised red onion

0.75 h 4 raciones


2 units Cassava
2 units Eggs
1 red onion
1 spoonful sugar
150 g Paraguay cheese
Neutral oil (to taste)
Salt & pepper (to taste).


Peel and clean the cassava, then cook for about 25 minutes, or until soft. Then, cube the cassava. On a mild heat, sauté in a pan with a good amount of neutral oil (so the oil properly covers the base of the pan); stir from time to time so the cassava browns up and the surface of the cubes turns good and crispy. Once the cassava is browned and crispy, add in the beaten eggs and chunks of Paraguay cheese; stir until the eggs are properly cooked and the mix has become consistent. (SET ASIDE).

Meanwhile, feather cut the red onion.

Add oil and sugar into a pan; when it starts to caramelise, add in the onion and sauté.