Cook & Chef News

PANDURU: Circular baking against food waste

Monday, 19 September, 2022

Panduru is a circular economy initiative that makes delicious pastries with surplus bakery bread and local and seasonal products

Panduru - Elena and Ana

We reintroduce into the food chain the bread that is not sold during the day and retains all its nutritional value, making cookies and desserts. Our main objective is to contribute to reduce food waste, at the same time that we value bread as a fundamental food and boost the local economy.

At Panduru we insist that we "did not invent anything". The culture of making the most of the kitchen was widespread in previous generations. Mainly women, traditionally in charge of housework, have reused food leftovers and stale bread to make delicious recipes: croquettes, torrijas, etc..

They were our inspiration. Our initiative aims to make their work visible and bring it to the present day, generating an economic activity that responds to the need to reduce food waste as a way to curb climate change.


Based on the quality of the product, and depending on the recipe, we use toasted bread, grated or simply crushed. We incorporate it to our elaborations as another ingredient, which provides flavor, texture and nutrients.

Our main elaborations are cookies, in which we substitute flour for bread. For now, we have three references in the market. Pandurines, the most classic ones, made of butter with lemon aroma. Carboneres, to which, in addition to bread, we add chestnut flour and cocoa. And Nozalines, a fine paste of cream and walnut.

However, at Panduru we are constantly innovating, and we make other types of elaborations: Afuega'l pitu Asturian cheese tartlet, to which we add bread; picatosta or torrija cake with cider syrup; and for the Christmas season, salty toasted bread nougat.

If we have learned anything in the process of designing Panduru, it is that bread is more than validated as an ingredient and that we can use it not only in the most traditional recipes. We can also incorporate it in those that do not have it or try to substitute flour for bread in any recipe. The limit is in our creativity.