Roasted saddle of hare

1.00 h 4 raciones


2 full saddle of hares (inclusive heart and kidneys)
Puy lentils
chioggia beets
purple carrot
quince puree
roasted mustard
brazil nut
red beets
hare gravy on a base of red beet
beet leaves
carrot and candied shallot.


Remove heart and kidneys of the hare en make farce a of the dots, heart and kidneys.  Remove the tenderloins from the saddle of hare. Roner the saddle of hare 18 minutes on 64 degrees. Make a roller of the tenderloins (diameter 3cm). Remove the saddle of hare from the carcass and role the saddle of haze in with smoke-dried pork. 


Roast the rouleau with smoke-dried pork, golden brown and bake in the oven for 8 minutes on 160 degrees and then let it rest. Cut the rouleau in pieces of 3,5 centimeters and bake golden brown.

Make the lentils with brunoise of carotts and the candied shallot and then season. Make a mayonnaise of chicort, ginger and grapefruit. Slice the saddle of hare, squirt the quince on one piece and rasp the brazil nuts and roasted mustard on top.

Place the chiogga beets and purple carrot playfull in the middle of the dish. For the quince puree, peel the quince and cook with white wine, water and sugar then blend in the thermomix.