
1.00 h 4 raciones


1kg meat on the brain bone
600g brain bone
6l water
600g potatoes
350g carrots
480g onion
800g beet
70g garlic in
600g cabbage
200g celery root
100g celery stalk
200g paprika 300g fresh tomatoes
20g dill
20g green onion 80g vinegar table
300g tomato paste
Sugar to taste
Salt to taste
Bay leaf
Black pepper peas

600g of borsh
25g sosa proespuma hot

350g sour cream
55g water
55g sugar
5g dry powder yoghurt sosa.

  1. Meat on the bone and the bones with the brain to fry in a pan with vegetable oil. After this put to the big pan and add 6L of water, prepared roasted garlic, celery root, celery stalk, onion and carrot. It's just for the broth, then we'll get them out.
  2. Main vegetables for dressing: carrots, onions, celery root, bell pepper - cut into strips separately at the mandolina. Separately fry, then throw in a colander each vegetable to drain the excess oil.
  3. Fry beets, add vinegar, salt, sugar, tomato paste and stew for 5 minutes. Add the remaining vegetables, 0.5 liters of water, Bay leaf, coriander, bring it to taste with salt and sugar. Stew for 10 minutes.
  4. Cabbage cut into thin strips, potatoes into cubes. In the prepared broth, add the cabbage and cook until soft, then add the potatoes.
  5. When the potatoes are ready, add the stewed vegetables. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  6. Make a bag of bouquet «garni» with spices, parsley, dill and place in borsch. Let infuse for at least an hour!
  1. Take 600 g of hot soup – liquid part with vegetables.
  2. Blend it at the food processor with Sosa Proespuma Hot and sift it.
  3. Charge the Siphon with 2 charges and let it well for 10 min a 65C water bath and use.
  1. Make syrup from the water and sugar.
  2. Mix with all ingredients and blend it.
  3. Charge the Siphon with 2 charges and let it well for 30 min at the refrigerator.
  4. Serve the soup with Borodino bread and brain from the bone with salt.