Fried prime rib with sauteed chickpeas and red pepper sauce with Singani and red wine vinegar

1.00 h 4 raciones


1 kg tender beef rib
250 g cooked chickpeas
1 green spring onion
2 lemons
2 Santa Helena peppers stripped and dampened
10 ml Singani de Villa Abecia
10 ml Camargo red wine vinegar
½ onion
100 g sautéed raisins
15 g suguar
butter and oil.


  1. Once chopped, cook the beef rib in a pressure cooker for about 45  minutes. Marinate in lemon juice.
  2. Brown the chopped onion, add in the grapes, then set aside. Dice the peppers, then blend; add in the onion and raisin mixture and blend again. Once blended, pour into a saucepan with the Singani and the red wine vinegar, salt and pepper, a heaped spoonful of sugar and half a cup of water. Leave to cook for 10 minutes on a low flame.  
  3. Sauté the chickpeas in a little butter and salt; add in the chopped spring onion at the end.
  4. Fry the marinated ribs in abundant hot oil until golden brown.
  5. Serve the ribs with the pepper sauce and accompanied by the sautéed chickpeas and onion.