Cured Spinalis

0.75 h 4 raciones


Spice mix

1 pt coriander seeds
1 pt 4 peppercorn blend
½ cup pink salt blend (3:1 ratio kosher/pink)
¼ cup brown sugar


1 qt veal demi
1 qt red wine
1 qt port
S+P to taste


1 pc spinalis (top cap)
cut into 8x8
1 cup curing spice mix


3 thin slices of cured spinalis
3 thin slices of raw foie-gras
cut into 1x1 diamond squares
6 pieces shimeji mushrooms
sautéed in butter and oil
golden brown
3 leaves of arugula
1 T red wine glaze
Hawaiian pink salt to garnish


Spice mix: Combine all ingredients and set aside.

Glaz: Reduce wine to syrup. On a separate pan, reduce demi to glaze. Fold both together, season to taste and set aside.

Spinalis: Pat dry the spinalis with a sports towel. Over a hotel pan, rub it with the spice mix till all surface area is covered. Wrap the rubbed spinalis in plastic wrap, airtight. Put away in the cooler and allow to sit for 7 – days.

Dish: Wrap 1 piece of cut foie gras and 2 pieces of the sautéed mushrooms with the each slice of the cured spinalis. Place them on the plate, and place a leaf of wild arugula on top of each wrap.

Drizzle glaze on top of it, and garnish with the pink salt. Serve immediately.