Cuttlefish crumble

0.75 h 4 raciones


cuttlefish 1 kg
onions 3 bigger
dry white wine 0.2 lit
black ink
fennel powder
indian groundnuts
bread crumbs


Wash and clean the cuttefish and pay attention on the small bags with the black ink which we'll use later. Cut the cuttlefish in small cubes and chopp the onions. Put the cuttlefish cubes in a casserole with olive oil on strong fire and roast them well for 5 min then add the cutted onions and reduce the fire. Then add the wine and let it evaporate. After that add the black ink and water and cook it until the cuttlefish become soft and it all become well reduces and creamy..then put a bit of curry and let it rest.


Put some oats,bread crumbs ,chopped indian groundnuts , salt and fennel powder and mix all with hands.Then add some butter to make the crumbs. Put the cuttlefish in a small casserole with the crumbs on top and bake at 220 degrees for 2 min.


Serve with a small salad.