Halibut, Potato Pave, English Pea

By Lorenzo Loseto
Halibut, Potato Pave, English Pea.
2 h 4 raciones


4  3oz pcs Halibut.

2 Large Yukon Potato.

1 cup English Pea.

4 cups Corn.

1tbl Bacon.



1. For the Pave- peel and cut the potato in layers on a tray coated with olive oil, nutmeg, thyme, salt and pepper. 
2. For the vegetables- saute chopped bacon, English peas, 1/2 cup corn, 1/2 cup leeks, parsley and basil. 
3 For the corn salsa - boil 2 cups corn juice, white wine and butter/salt/pepper to taste. 
4. For the foam - 1/2 cup water, 6 boneless umeboshi, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon soy lecithin, buzz. 
5. Season the halibut with salt and pepper and brown over medium heat. Arrange on the plate with the other ingredients. 

Lorenzo Loseto

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