Semifreddo with ladyfingers

By Justinas Kapkovicius
Today, I decided to experiment a bit, and at the same time use up leftover food - ladyfingers, which have been lying around in my kitchen drawer for a long time.
3 h 5 raciones


  • Ladyfingers - 100g
  • Bananas - 2 pax
  • Dark chocolate - 200g
  • Double Cream - 200ml
  • Milk - 120 ml

First of all let's chop the ladyfingers into smaller pieces.
Cut bananas into small cubes.
Heat the milk in a saucepan, pour the cream and melt the chopped chocolate.
In a container, mix the ladyfingers, bananas and one third of the slightly cooled mass.
Line a baking paper on a plastic container and pour the mixture. Pour the rest of the mixture on top and smooth the surface.
Cover the container with a lid and put it in the freezer to set for a few hours.
Take it out of the freezer and cut it into the desired pieces with a knife dipped in hot water.
I recommend tasting semifreddo slightly warmed up.

Justinas Kapkovicius

BERGNER and the Cook and Chef Foundation are benchmarks in the world of gastronomy and I am proud to be part of this family.

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